Short Paper-Endings and Beginnings

I hope my teacher doesn't mind me sharing this. Last assignment for class Adv Creative Writing. I want to say I love Ned and Tim before you start reading this. These feelings in this were temporarily all perpetuated through me out of insecurity-same for the teacher-he just had to do his job-and he did a great one at that.

I learned at times I wanted to give up-right up to this class with writing. I doubted myself as a writer feeling I had fooled myself into trying to be something I'm not. I kept getting caught up with personal experiences and couldn't find my way back to me, who I was, and the form of writing I had before I was shot in the head and left with permanent neurological damage in 2011. I had written and published several books up at Barnes and Noble previous to this. This was the final chapter of where I would go with writing in this class, or even finishing this degree. I had reached the final line and was now turning back looking over my shoulder. I knew the headphones on my ears gently pressed against the foam came so easy and comforting to me and felt this was a cheat way out of an intellectual career listening to music. But what I ended up learning was that I was a songwriter for sure, found my best teacher-though I hated him sometimes-knew I had to get past that line-hated Ned Euphorya and Tim Cheatle too at times-my best colleagues to my fear of failure and rejecting help-but now know I'm going to be a damn good songwriter. I even opened up to my singing with more confidence and accept myself more now than ever. I learned to accept myself and my fate-though I still spurn-that's natural for me.

I would like Steven Tyler to take in this role for me of Pia's records. I think this would help other adolescents with their dreams and become a role model for them and I think he'd get a kick out of it. As a woman coming out for others, my success would prove you can do anything and still persevere even in the worst of conditions hanging on to your limbs literally at times-had other pertinent injuries to my back and arms. A comedy is a good place for this personal story of mine where I had never thought I could complete one with so much clarity with my my point. I was so pleased. I have always loved comedy and that it allowed me to connect with my family this way in some true family events. I would be very pleased to be led into directing with this given genre.


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