
Showing posts from October, 2015

Released at iTunes Full Thrust Toward Aerosmith's "Janie's Got a Gun"

Resurrect My Home by Lori Jean

I Smell the Pines and See the Lights

It's almost Christmas. I remember looking up under our Christmas tree with the fat bulbs, some blinking, one a distinct blue-older looking. It annoyed me but it brought back a sense of familiar and ordinary to security. The whole thing was magic. The smell of pine, my eyes and face not too far from the sometimes older and more rusted tree stand with just enough confident water that I could almost see the tree drinking it right before my eyes. I would come back the next day or maybe hours and see how thirsty it was, the water had gone down so much. I would worry, but Dad would assure me, and he did fill it. Christmas music played and my mother reassuringly occupied the kitchen. Happy Holidays ahead!!

Featured Today

Me Featured on ISX Radio Today at 4:00pm  ISX Radio  they are on mixlr too

WON Special Mention!!

WON Special Mention at Amsterdam Lift-Off for my screenplay Isabelle’s Eyes!! Will have more soon!! Yeah!!

Super Lady Upcoming EP Title Track Press Release

For Meme and Pepe

Not Bare Verse It's so better than late than never I have to share The sway in your skirt The love in the air The wisps in your hair Pepe could not control the magnificence in you Chorus Only to adore his loving eyes We're not bare at all Not bare at all Verse The uniform that sparked the parade Throwing sparks through the crowd Balloons that flew away You hardly knew Chorus Verse For when his time away Your body would shrill you knew he'd be back in your arms for sure (so true) Super Lady

Fallen Victim's Birthday Dedication

In honor of Lisa King's birthday today, deceased daughter in 2001 of Linda King of 'Help Fix the Hurt Foundation' that Linda and her husband founded after Lisa's death from DV, I am giving away a song that I wrote for DV and dedicated it to Lisa. Bless you, Lisa, my angel, who came down and saved me, pushed me forward and blocked me from more harm when I didn't even know if I was going to survive from my brutal beatings to my head and body that left me permanently neurologically damaged, 'Don't Tell Him by Lori Jean. FREE  Don't Tell Him by Lori Jean . Ask all stations, all friends, all programs to play this for Lisa, for me, and others visiting the Angels right now as we hold hands in rememberance during this time. Bless you. For my baby Isabelle that died too from #teendv.

Overnight Success

I’ve been writing since 2001, been told I was gifted to this when I was 13, and also praised by my sister’s friends of my voice as an adolescent but some would still say I haven’t made fame. I’ve made great strides that feel so successful along the way! “How to be an ‘Overnight Success’” by @garyvee

Harp's Soul Press Release

Harp's Soul Press Release - My song on this compilation, 'Under Your Pillow' by Lori Jean.

#18 on iTunes New Release Chart

We're #18 on the iTunes New Release Chart


Just got picked up with Q.SIC Australia and New Zealand's first commercially licensed music streaming service. 'She Finds the Chords Herself' Ned Euphorya feat. Lori Jean.

Song Release thrust toward Aerosmith's 'Janie's Got a Gun'

Local artist Lori Jean is released on her first compilation. Harp's Soul by Various Artists - Song out today at iTunes and Spotify and more on this great Compilation! Buy the album to listen to the full track, 'Under Your Pillow', along with these other great artists! 503 568 1687 Watch for her other works at iTunes and Spotify and her future EP release ' Resurrect My Home ' about teen molestation - (with full thrust toward Aerosmith's Janie's Got a Gun ). Single out now at GooglePlay with unlimited subscription play. @lorifinnila First words mommy plz play a record, a child sibling band, and skipping school for lyrics, music was bound to her. 'She writes from her angels.' Angel and creator, Lori Jean suffered abuse to her head as a toddler and adult finding her way to music through her permanent neurological damage. Come explore Lori's journey through her music!

Surprise Song??!!!

Who can guess what my surprise song will be about on my new Resurrect My Home EP release coming out?

AirPlay MuseBoat Radio

My song, Resurrect My Home , will be replayed every 3 hours today and Saturday. MuseBoat Radio

Having a Great Time Writing!!

Me on Camera Talking to You

Snippet of 'Lori Jean's Journey to Her Music

From the day I was born I heard music and saw flashes in my face of lights from cameras. I was sure to be a star!. Fighting for my breath among piles of snow that covered me in the coldest of winter storms with snow piled more than 3 feet high on the East Coast taught me to fight for what I want. Fighting for control in the female gender pushing my brother’s newly given truck toy to him on his birthday to quick kick butts in my behind to this as my Dad filmed us playing on every birthday and refusing to celebrate other family member birthdays unto mine being last, I was sure to win in life. I was making my stance after all. I even refused to eat a piece of the birthday cake on these occasions with my hands and arms firmly clenched to this at the table not to move-on camera too-not a proud moment; my voice was SO loud to this.

Lori Jean's Journey to Her Music

Working on a new book about my comical journey to my music starting from my birth! I hope you’ll all follow along this journey as I write it and share some posts to my blog to my progress of it sharing some small excerpts and snippets from it. Heck I’m gonna need a cartoonist for this!! 😂😂

B.O.B. Cancun Underwater and Snorkel Me Jan 1

Me Jan 1 Cancun B.O.B. Underwater adventure and snorkel -all I ever wanted to do, and the BIG stage though!! Already had the baby.

AirPlay MuseBoat Radio Oct 11th

5:00 pm ET Resurrect My Home by Lori Jean. Post Will be fun to see the interaction. Song is at Google Play for those of you wanting to hear it earlier. Post

Was Gifted Women Speakers Association Membership

Kind of a dream, but I'm blown away. For school I needed to search for a way to market my work. Because of my son I wanted to find humor in my work. With that it brought me back to the basics of what is important and where I fit in. I connected to humor, my strengths and gifts, and other women and moms. Was blown away when I got this. The gifts and opportunities with this organization is endless! Thank you God and my angels.

Lori Jean MuseBoat Media Partner

Just became a media partner on MuseBoat! Look for my artist features there and feel free to request my music! Join live chat with thousands that come through! Museboat Radio

Two songs up now at Google Play! Yeah!!

Resurrect My Home Wake up fool before I think too much outside of you!! :( So Put Up You've got that wall down around me!! Please!!! Eeek! Chunk of Love…..!!! Photo by Eva Rinaldi Oh, and one more thing… when you decide to pick me up… don't expect me not to notice!!