#somelivesaresofup #ljpworks #lorijean #
Some Lives are So F Up
Some lives are so F up
I know it's mine
I know I’m one of them
I know you wanted to beat me
Shut me up
I did it to myself
You took the most precious thing from me
I would lay there
Never disagree
Try to please
Close my eyes
Never letting anyone touch me
I walked a road
Crossed a path
When someone came into my life
And pried my legs apart
You took something so valuable from me
I knew right from the start
That's when it all happened
I didn't let the hitting stop
I let myself die
I let myself go
I walked in numbness
I didn't know what else to do
But the fight is on
Though I did it to myself
I won't be sorry
From now on
It's just what it is
I know now for sure now
Life just happens
Shit is what it is
My battlegrounds are ready
I put on my gloves
You want to fight
You want to take me away
You may have won
But I’ve just begun
I sit here scrawled up
On my bathroom floor
Without a friend
But somehow … I feel
You can never hurt me more than you did
You broke me down
But I'm sure to win
You took my baby
You took her life...
What a sad pitiful sight for you
You shouldn't have forced your strength on someone like me
I make the Valentine's Day cards ... dad no
The gloves are on ... I've got nothing to lose
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