
Showing posts from March, 2016

#thankful #gift #life #isabelleseyes

I want to thank the 'one' girl that stirred in concern and opened her eyes to see and hear what was going on to me in the unlawful forced, drugged, hostage held abortion clinic that murdered by baby at 17. She was so scared. The counselor woman that was letting me bleed to death as I screamed and cried gave her a stern, scarry, reprimanded-orderly look and she hurriedly closed her eyes and put her head back in place as it was in the pillow. The other girls there I'm sure heard too. I can see even clearer now the fright that was instilled not only in me but these other girls. Were they from group homes? I've heard of forced dupo. Little girls in the streets that were being forced? I a Catholic girl who was being swept away from my home for that day-unknowingly what was to occur. I knew I was being forced through extra measures of a paid for by wealthy family with a grandfather cop who had given me threatening looks from that day forward. Just the same as the town of the ...

'Fade Out and Away' #rollingstone #factoryfastrecords #lorijean

Clip 'Fade Out and Away' holding for @NYCFactoryFast #lorijean @RollingStone #rollingstone 

#scotland #homelessteens #updates #songs #lorijean

Been playing around with my songs if you guys think you can do something with them now go ahead. I'll still be mastering them for your release and have a special zipped file for only you, along with some possible minor changes along the way to the songs. Bless. Be happy, stay warm, and drink milk. Luv ya ❤️😘 Cover here if you need it.

#sleepmydarlingangelbear #scotland #concerts #sponsors

I'm going to use my 'Sleep My Darling Angel Bear' and 'Little Girls Doll' to sponsor my concerts.

Johnny's in Mars #update #lorijean

Worked this one a few times. It's actually harder when it's not a regular genre that you do, but I work my projection. ❤️

What About Eve #newtune #lorijean #eve

New tune What About Eve Bit of a demo-real ruff and new. A bit of a remake.

Update 'There's a Way Through' #lorijean #folk #grassroots

I'm liking the update of this one but feeling picky about the music composition. I don't know if it'll hold up to Factory Fast Records standards or where they'd put it. 🙁🙏👍😘🤗😅

Update #femalesoulep #scotland #homelessteens #lorijean

The EP will be available when it's finished ONLY for the teens of Scotland to distribute.

#thankabel #aesopmadeabel #scotland #homelessteens

Thank Abel ❤️❤️❤️

#teensatcrossroads Here's Your #visionboard #scotland #homelessteens

We're going to keep calm and party on. Vision this with me. 

#ma #angels #guide #isabelleseyes #miracles

Let our angel babies guide the way.

#LoveMyDetour #lorijean #mystory #amyoes

My #LoveMyDetour story will be shared one week from Wed.

Cover?! #cover #lorijean #femalesoul #ep

Cover for me? Thinking about this one. ❤️❤️

Female Soul? #name #ep #lorijean

I'm thinking maybe 'Female Soul' for the pop EP of mine coming out on my bday June 19. It looks like the songs so far are: Aesop Made Abel Johnny's in Mars Wave Away Oh Oh Little Girl Female Soul Tentative cover-I'm having it worked on. I'll have it mastered and free at iTunes and others that day along with a press release out. I'll sing that day online. Watch for where and when. 😘❤️🙏

I'm Here #scotland #homeless #teens #eat #clothes #home

Children in Scotland sell the rights to my digital download for $1 ea. #homeless #teens Aesop Made Abel  (Just updated again today-I'm concerned with just giving you a Dropbox link, at least for this one for now. I have it also uploaded at Soundcloud.) It might be easier to have a choice from both places down the road for the entire EP?! Maybe you can let me know.

#lorijean #pop #ep

Looks as though I'll be releasing a pop EP on my bday. I celebrate the milestones and my songs with my area of study are bringing me into pop. I'd better hurry and finish this because studying the apes in anthropology in July is going to bring in dark music.

Correction to 2 Song Update Post #lorijean #newsongs #factoryfastrecords

Songs didn't upload right yesterday. Sorry. Here they are: There's a Way Through  Holding for #factoryfastrecords Johnny's in Mars I'm further along with the first one.

#missionformarch #femaleentrepreneursasaociation #carriegreen #amyoes

Because of this mission I am now a top charts artist, featured at Cox Music Show, another single coming out with my label Factory Fast Records with other amazing artists incl. once again the overly talented #robvance, a #LoveMyDetour, and getting an A high B in my humanities class. Yeah!! ❤️❤️

#amypurdy #jayceedugard #shattereddreams #imaginations #lorijean

Image I remember feeling completely broken after I had ran and fought all I could to sustain and survive being left permanently unrelated in my brain to my surroundings. I felt I couldn't accept my brain with the depth of incapabilities that I was left to. Then I read a book, a remembrance of this very TedxTalk as an example, "Shattered Innocence" by Jaycee Dugard, and I knew I could. I thought if that little girl could sustain 18 years of captivity and abuse that this little girl could survive the outcome.

#serioussupport #feelingsandforms #lorijean #newrelease #factoryfastrecords #leonrussell #femaleentrepreneurassociation #carriegreen #missionformarch

(Serious support to my label has been coming for this release.) I have another release coming out with Factory Fast Records July 26th 2016 that will be promoted to 2500+ radio stations and for sale around the world with fabulous artists attentively titled "Feelings and Forms" featuring 'Just Like Yesterday" (by me) plus artists Ant Savage, Mike Marison, The Rose Hotel, Pretend Iguana, The Lovelies, and Rob Vance. Soooo excited!!! 🙏🙏😘😘👏👏   I wrote this song while listening to #leonrussell. ❤️❤️ #periscope that day at 3:00pm PST.

#sheltermovie #songstobespoken #lorijean #jenniferconnelly

Extremely unexpected and helps you realize what dreams are made of. #songstobespoken 

#me #lorijean #fridayphoto

Hope you like! 😘❤️

#coxmusicradio #lorijean #airplay

I will be featured at Cox Music Radio. 👍

#single #lorijean #topchartsartist #resurrectmyhome #museboatradio

I finally MADE it to a Top Charts Artist! I've waited Sooo long!! Finally!!  👏🙏😘👍❤️🙅🏻💁🏻

#unordinary #ordinary #benefits #lorijean #hime

Image My Theme

#new #composition #lorijean #recording #rock #guitar

New composition I recorded. Just need  to work on some neat lyrics for it.

A Promise #lorijean #love

A Promise' Director and Writer' #PatriceLaconte #lorijean #apromise  Beautiful love story. Gives us late bloomers hope. ❤️

Intro to Anthropology comes up #lorijean #music

In two terms. Like to see what songs come from that. 

#samtaylorjohnson #eljames #52FilmsByWomen #gendergamethemed #7 #50shadesofgrey #kellymarcel

What every woman goes thru for the first relationship in her life. I'd like to revolve with the female appearing to be more into herself and the focus come off from her mind through the challenges. 

#seeking #room #uk #lorijean

I'm seeking a room to rent in the UK starting in August. I want to gig out there. 

#timcheatle #lorijean #gigs

Watch for Tim's live gigs in the UK area coming up. I'll be so excited to be able to save up some money to gig out there.  Tim is open to me touring his songs solo with given credits. ❤️👏🙏

#mommy #taunted #lorijean #pretty

I use to get called a carnivorous brat by my family because of my mother's strange outbreaks of reactions towards me. But it wasn't my fault it was those that would taunt her to break free from me so they could take me because they liked the way I looked.

#honored From My #label #factoryfastrecords #lorijean

Love this from #factoryfastrecords  Under Your Pillow 'Harp's Soul' Little Girls 'Curtains Against the Wind'

#sleepingbabies #scotland #lorijean #homelessyouth

Hello my sleeping or not sleeping babies in Scotland. My heart pangs for you. Are you in the cold? Are you hungry? I saw some real cool plastic looking Eco homes. They look like they hold their own heat. I was thinking 1,000 of those for pairs, families, singles for your own units. A piece of land instead of a barn. Dream with me to make this happen.

#greenhomes #love #hashimotos #poisonedbymyfriends

Love these green homes. Good for my Hashimoto's from toxins in my body by being #poisonedbymyfriends. My WSN office can go inside.

Johnny's in Mars #heroes #vikings #warriors #song #lorijean

Hey catch this new song I did. I think you'll like it.

#men We Are Out In a Treat #lorifinnila WSN Channel

Men, We Are Out On a Treat Bring fun to both sexes with benefits of humor and expression in women being expressed leaving swaying warmth toward our men for wonderful nights ahead! We are out on a retreat. Won't those nights be GREAT! ❤️💕😋 Message at end of broadcasts (women go home and take care of your men). Other possible titles: Women's Message Channel, Women's Story Channel

#womens #americanbandstand WSN #lorifinnila

Women Station Network will be featuring new program. Upcoming women artists. (Starting it off with a few of Jean's sibling band 70's fav.) Replica of #lorijean #childsiblingband in the side (3 children-like adults on hampers and beds with a 45 record player using brushes and plastic tom toms for instruments-(Laugh-In Like) chiming along. And of course hosted by Lori Jean. Don't forget about our yearly Women's Message in Music Concert with celebrity hosts and upcoming artists that sing from a message. Of course I'll open up with my strongest message of meaning song along with a couple to throw in throughout.

#googledolls #superlady #lorijean

Comparing #cometome with #lorijean #superlady Super Lady - Single by Lori Jean CD out at  UPC    889290489975    for your store.

#9 #lorijeansinging #bennyandthejets #sis #ejspeaks

This was me singing at home when I was younger.

I Quit My Job Today #ejspeaks #lorijean

So funny! This was me at 19 when I was a data entry clerk.

Catching Flies #lorijean #rockergirl

A new rock song from me.

#aerosmith #janiesgotagun #resurrectmyhome

 #superladycd #lorijean #teenmolestation Ask your store to carry my 'Super Lady' CD. Call UPC 889290489975 .