
Showing posts from April, 2016

#deepakchopra #spiritual #life #lorijean

I'm going to share the most important things for you everyday that I just got from the Hay House Summit and Deepak Chopra  and a monk friend of his on one of his journeys (a bit of it).  Self awareness, mindfulness Mediation 15 min. A day Strive for Excellence in what you do, not money - what you are doing now is the most important thing Don't look for answers - they will come to you - keep the questions in your mind Keep life fun

Was an Author Had a Radio Show #pow #music

I was an author, had radio show. Got hurt  by a crazy man. I was left with an indented cave-in mark in my head, couldn't write or do my show anymore, found music. I remembered how it was to me when I was younger. Wham Music Power

#connecting to the #fragilesoul #shakespeareaward #lorijean #videos #music

I'm yearning and looking desperately to share my message of my music through videos to reach the fragile soul. I was once fragile-I think I'll always be. I keep coming back to the time when I saved my mum from pulling bad vials mixed with poisonous fluids that would have hurt her by someone and ran and buried them. I was wounded myself but at such a young age, possibly remembering what they did to me, I knew at about 2 to grab them in a 1-2second instance and bury them in the yard. They dried up and she could never be hurt by them. She always thanked me for this. The special miracle inside of me I want to share. And there are so many other wonderful stories to share of myself and others that I want you to see.  I actually got the nerve while going over the Hay House Summit material and reverting to The Female Entrepreneurs 'How to Create Success on Purpose' worksheets the (summit will help me with confidence but Carrie Green's worksheets opened up my mind to how imp...

#excited #popcorn #movies #music

Good news and bad news! I'll do good news first. You will be seeing more of me live. Yeah! ❤️ I'll be having my hammy self online performing more. I'm getting this cute DVD player and I forgot they play cd's now too. But most importantly is they now take usb drives and sd cards. This is great for me because burning CDs is always a problem for me. Sometimes when I'm done they don't play music. With me being able to just plug in my usb drive AND with their being a nice large screen AND good speakers I can easily load and pick instrumental tracks to sing songs to you. I'm used to not using a microphone now so set up is very easy. Yeah again! Watch for my shows and last minutes. I'll put them here as well. Bad news is I posted that "What About Good Old Eve" will have a specialist engineer that will master it for iTunes and it will be labeled there like other artists at iTunes. I decided to give you a whole EP from iTunes as a gift, not just one son...

Music Appreciation Day #beatles #hamiltonradio #dennisholseybrook #lorijean #appreciate #music #love

I have SOOO much to be grateful for!! ❤️❤️😘😘👍👍🙏🙏👏👏

He Holds Me Right #lorijean #love #music

I threw this together after watching Keira Knightly and Mark Ruffalo in "Begin Again." I was trying to imitate her singing style. Don't know if I got it.  He Holds Me Right

Production of "Oh Lord, Please Hear My Prayer" #lorijean

I've been working on the production of "Oh Lord, Hear My Prayer." I love the new company I'm working with. I love my others as well. With this one there is s glitch I'n having that I have to learn. But the response and down time is great as well as the extra options to compliment that are offered. I actually have my lyrics added to this one. And there is built-in iTunes mastering options. Once I get the glitches out it should be up in a matter of days. I've been trying to keep my singles down to a minimal up at iTunes with each one standing in its own in difference. This new one has more of an upbeat tempo which I've been able to incorporate my originality to rock with a bit of pop in some sounding bells and a few synths. I really enjoyed this coming from being heavily into music in the 70's. My thanks to Meg Myers for vocal inspiration and the movie "Flutter" for inspiration of bells playing at the end.

1 New Song "Unique Harmony"

Another uplifting song and one for my Grammy Farinha ❤️❤️ Unique Harmony Grandma Farinha

Still on the #charts!! Please Vote!! 😘❤️🙏

I'm still in MuseBoat Radio Charts for "Resurrect My Home." Please vote for me.  Resurrect My Home

#videoproduction #fadeoutandaway LP

So excited! I've been working on my choices for 'Fade Out and Away' Practice Video themes of three of my songs for video production. I want to vamp up my site and song presentations. I picked a cool but simple lyric video for Oh Lord, Please Hear My Prayer. A REALLY cool animated video format for What About Good Old Eve. And a very originally formatted movie style themed 30 second intro video for the title track Fade Out and Away. I'm just waiting for specs to see if they'll fit into these projects. It's so fun making your music fit into themes. I'll have these three if it works out on my main page of my musician website. ❤️❤️❤️👍👍😘😘

#topalbumcharts #underyourpillow #lorijean

Harp's Soul by Factory Fast Records 

Top #50 Sing Charts #lorijean #resurrectmyhome

My top charts song.

My #award for #isabelleseyes #truestory


#practicing #fadeoutandaway #surprise

Practicing for a surprise coming out this year for you!! ❤️❤️😘😘👍👍🙏🙏🌞🌞 Practicing

#newsinglerelease "Oh Lord, Please Hear My Prayer" #lorijean

Here is a song I wrote and composed today as I had bells going off in my head from the music in a movie I heard. I started thinking about Christ. Oh Lord, Please Hear My Prayer It excitedly should be in many music digital stores soon! Also, don't forget to watch for my song, "What About Good Old Eve" coming out as a single as well digitally May 18th. I may be making a video and will do my usual on that day at 3:00pm PST #periscope performance. For this one I'm treating myself to a professionally mastered piece from iTunes by a an engineer specializing in this. It should say this for the first time under a song that I have up at iTunes! Yeah! Birthday present and a milestone gift for me. ❤️❤️ #begoodtoyourself Also I'm excited about the fact that I'm going to submit this same song to the U.K. Charts-which is a first for me. #teensatcrossroads Necer submitted to the charts before. And being in the U.K. gives me a chance to be near my babes, in hopes that I ...

Replay of #musicfridaylive Interview

What an honor to be interviewed by a man who scouts great talent on stages and off. From artists that have shared the stage with stars such as Taylor Swift, Reba, Blake Shelton, and Loretta Lynn. Replay Lori Jean Music Interview

#littlegirls release #video #factoryfastrecords

Was just watching this. It brought back memories. I'm so grateful! ❤️❤️ Thxs #factoryfastrecords Little Girls  at iTunes Little Girls Release Video

#lovemydetour Post from #lovemyamy Ostreicher #lorijean

Please read my heartwarming story I share in my friend's 'Love My Detour' column at her site. 

Woohoo!! I'll be in the Catalog too!! 🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍#factoryfastrecords #lorijean

I'll be here too!! Woohoo!!! 

Lori Jean #encore Music #right!!!

Chunk of Love - Single by Lori Jean Sent from my iPhone

Bless #rockersdiveradio #whateverhappenedtolittlelisa #lisasteinberg

Rocker's Dive Radio ( @RockersDive ) 4/16/16, 3:09 AM #NowPlaying   @lorifinnila  - Lori Jean - What Ever Happened To Little Lisa What Ever Happened to Little Lisa

Played on Hamilton RadioToday #hamiltonradio #justlikeyesterday #factoryfastrecords

I was played in Hamilton Radio today by a DJ friend of mine Dennis Holseybrook. ❤️❤️🙏🙏😘😘👏👏  Hamilton Radio July 26 Release 

Soooo Excited #soexcited #lorijean #release

Can't tell you yet but I have EXCITING news to share with you. It's BLOWING me out of the water!! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏😘😘😘 As it gets closer I'll let you know.

"Little Girls" on Indie Scent Xposure Radio #newmusicfriday #curtainsagainstthewind

Factory Fast Records ( @NYCFactoryFast ) 4/15/16, 12:10 PM 🐥🗯 up NEXT  @IsxRadio  'Little Girls’ by Lori Jean  @lorifinnila   #NewMusicFriday  on  🍺👽  #3for10

Factory Fast Releases or Submitted #lorijean #music

Under Your Pillow Little Girls Just Like Yesterday   July 26 Fade Out and Away  Submitted What About Good Old Eve  Submitted Resurrect My Home  Submitted I Put on My Gloves  Submitted Resurrect My Home EPK

"Just Like Yesterday" #release #factoryfastrecords #lorijean

July 26 Watch for the release worldwide with other great artists such as The Lovelies and Rob Vance. Just Like Yesterday

#yourownsolace #song #lorijean

A cool song for my women friend producers. I'll be mastering and producing this for you. Your Own Solace

"You Are a Star" by Lori Jean #song #thevirtuouswoman #movie

You Are a Star For  The Virtuous Woman Movie

#whataboutgoodoldeve Highlight #lorijean May 18 WW DigitalRelease #lenadelrey

Catch the highlight to my single release that I'm putting out May 18, 2016. I've been making some songs with the twist of Lena Del Rey. It's been so fun. I love listening to her and I always use my own style and twist of each new musical style that I try of those that inspire me. What About Good Old Eve

#secondchance #exboyfriend #lorijean

I was just listening to 'A Second Chance' with Gina Kane about a sociopathic husband. I had been picturing myself with a boyfriend and realized that I couldn't watch movies on a TV screen with a new potential boyfriend. Why? Because my last boyfriend, over 25 years ago, slammed my head against his car. I suffered a minor head injury from it. Freaky. Something I'll have to keep in mind. I don't believe in watching a lot of television because I think it takes away from productive time. If there is a favorite or scheduled show to watch, 2 hrs. tops, I would accept that. Just a thought to share. Much love! ❤️

#dancesong #lorijean #bitofhappiness

I was able to upbeat this song. It's looking good. Looking for a new Milestone for my birthday. Did the other early. Perhaps a 'Bit of Happiness' EP?! Bit of Happiness

How Ideas Evolve and Stay Static within a Tradition #grateful #lorijean #song

(MindEdge- SNHU) This is how I write magically and incorporate our past into my songs. Learning this connection deeply in school in connection to my writing degree through the study of humanities in art, I've found the deepest measure of magic for spark in my songs. Grateful! ❤️❤️

'Grandma Farinha' song #lorijean #piano #grandmafarinha

My grandma that would make sure I could connect with the world (my brain from near death seizures-as my other would do too).

Fallin Ur Way #newsong #lorijean #opportunity #music #altpop

My cool alt. Pop song I'm working on.

Fallin Ur Way #bitch #rain #sun #fun

A fun one for you. Fallin Ur Way

Changes in My Area of Study #lorijean #magic #arts #masters

I'm thinking the importance of me to professional expression of my magic is best found through the study of the definition of art and its meaning. By studying its history with its changes through the meaning of others I find spark. I'm not a structural person and by imitating  structure in this area of study I feel I'm limiting myself. So I will be pursuing a Master in the arts instead. I can still create from what I've learned. Possibly this conclusion is brought forth by my new injuries and the abilities from them to connect with the spirit now-understanding why people write from a spiritual perspective. Like Arcadia's curriculum yet Penn is more prestigious.

My Heart To My #littlebabies #audreyhepburn #scotland #homelessteens

Not only did I have a vision when I young to help young teen moms but when I saw Audrey Hepburn speak of the love she had for the children she helped I knew I wanted to feel that love too. Here's the highlight for your album:

#Scotland #homelessteens #iPhoneRingtones #femalesoul #lorijean #rollingstone

iPhone Ringtones for 'Female Soul' EP/CD Project for Scotland homeless teens.  These might make another good selling market for you. You have distribution rights to these too.!1206&authkey=!AIlt1Lh5ZOFT_14&ithint=file%2czip

Hey Kids! #teensatcrossroadscd Ready for Sale #lorijean

Female Soul When Aesop Made Abel Wave Away Oh Oh Little Girl Johnny's in Mars What About Good Old Eve iPhone Ringtones There's a Way Through He Holds Me Right Found more too: Though I'm One Less Jesse's Song Say You Love Me Ringtones and songs for teens (#teensatcrossroads) to sell, distribute, design, vinyl, mix, burn, keep the money, and share project with other teens throughout the world thanks to bring power and support to you. God Bless I'll promote some or all on Radio and tell where they can be bought.  Highlight to Songs

Blown Away #highlight #factoryfastrecords #rollingstone #lorijean

Blown away by my mastered copy I just received for the sound 'Fade Out and Away' that I'm holding for Factory Fast Records. Highlight here: