
Showing posts from November, 2016

I Hear Your Cries #foraveryspeciallittlegirl

I hear your cries These dark doors, these halls I wonder what will still go on once I'm gone The cries moans and screams of pain I can't bear one nite more From a little one so young She trusts me as I promise to her I'll never leave her with her pain As I'm contradicted when I tell How can one so young feel so much Fright to be subject to being a grown woman Chorus I hear your cries I feel your fear As I stare at your baby picture in the kitchen Please lord Hear my prayers Hear her cry Don't let this go on one more night I hear your cries as you're so alone The End Dedicated to a very special little girl

Surprise! Surprise! Coming Up From Factory Fast Records with Tim Cheatle and I

Unbelievable and I don't even know ALL the details. But you will be the first to know here!

Most Requested Songs #lorijean #museboatradio #ashesonmycup

FB Post Link Plz vote!!

(Demo) "Raindance" Tim Cheatle guitar and composer #lorijean #timcheatle

At Soundcloud Lori Jean

Getting Ready for Christmas Cheer!! #kickstoppushed #lorijean #teensatcrossroads

Getting a little Christmas cheer going! Might do a singing show that day or the nite before... or both!! What do you think of that?! Watch for it here and mark your calendar as the day gets closer. AND I'm thinking of giving you kids for your album a completely brand new song that I think is one of my best, "Kick Stop Pushed," that I've been working on (Demo YouTube link). Yeah!! I think this might help in addition to your cd sales. Can take early Christmas orders for this bonus edition to the album once I announce closer to the date. Do a Black Friday prerelease showing of what will come for those who leave deposits towards your albums. Teens at Crossroads Youth Work Project For those of you that haven't kept up or heard of it.

Yeah!! Spain Radio #lorijean #liveperformance #BodegaSalto

Lori Jean ( @lorifinnila ) 11/13/16, 8:27 PM Yeah!!! ❤️🖐👏  @BodegaSalto  'Lori Jean' Feb. 26  @Sala_Apolo   @RazzmatazzClubs   #Spain… Download  the Twitter app Sent from my iPhone

Correction - Excerpt "My Brain Injury" by Lori Jean Finnila

Sorry, the download doesn't work anymore. My publisher must have fixed it. Here's an excerpt though:  Excerpt "My Brain Injury" by Lori Jean Finnila Always Write Something that You Can Say You Believe In There's so many changes in our lives that each book our minds change to the feelings written in them. If we be frank and know ourselves this won't happen. My Brain Injury by Lori Finnila Given away free in the web by people I don't know. Almost 40,000 hits to this site!!! And counting...looking for 100,000. ❤️ you guys!! Shared this post with my friend

Replay 'Lori Jean' on Cox Music Show #lorijean #coxmusicshow

CMS Season 6 Episode 3 - Mixcloud

6 Years After Worst of Head Injuries #injuries #lorijean #Hoovey #attained

It's almost 6 years to date, or could be six years by now, don't have the exact date of the worst of the head injuries with the gunshot wound to the head that left me very incoherent in the long run process of its outcome, but somewhat to the other bodily injuries - there was so much going on constantly - but I can see the difference. My efforts aren't so hardly used, my mind isn't so tortured to speak and think, and I'm sure there are those that notice, and I thank you for this. If I can recap, it's been a long 20 years and plus, once again it's been hard to identify the whereabouts in this day and age of all the consistencies of injuries from whom and where when it's been so long throughout and continuously covered up: but I've almost finished college to get that tassel after being told I wouldn't retain information and detained from assistance to it, soloed my own LP produced by a well known reputable label that sought me out as I was aspiri...

Bit of Indian in Me


Please Support IRN Radio with Donations #lorijean #radioairplay

This station is so good to me and they have too indie bands. They need your help. Bless you! I'm played on Alternative Country A LOT!!

Self Expression in the Morning #lorijean #photos #morning


Sparkle, I'm So Happy #song #love #sparkle #follow

A song I'm working on. Sparkle, I'm So Happy Verse I am life I am whole I have all that you can imagine That's all I need to be happy Bridge I need bread I need milk I need breakfast With love from you Chorus Give me sparkle Let me grow I'll show you my crayons And where they came from For I am happy you will know Verse Lend me your hand Make me whole I am already everything I need to know I do dream I just need help from you I am everything that you can't imagine Verse I am a child with Eyes that glow I yearn for a place to grow Where I can treasure to give love In an unrelentless environment Follow Sparkle P.S. I think I'd love to put a 'Sparkle' sign on a piece of land. Maybe a few pieces. Maybe a WHOLE lot!

New Releases

New release Pia's Records Ashes on My Cup - Single by Lori Jean