Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Educating the World

Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Carrying on Education to the Global Population without Discrimination

Not only is the theme of the organization, Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, set up to teach the course of Jesus in Apostle to everyone, but to specifically reach out to those who can't afford and aid monetarily and with resources to the global population without discrimination. Most programs for the needy aren’t set up for the disabled: the resources just aren’t there. And many mothers who are older are forgotten to the system of education.

The thought to empower women, who are the majority of our poor in the world, is aimed at bringing strength to our mothers. Necessitating them with emotional strength with a strong mind is moving mountains and breaking stone toward success. These virtues are passed on and just now being widely accepted as a way to combat poverty. Religion is no longer a facet to face fear but conquer it to a realization that many once couldn't face to poverty.

One child in particular found a calling. Her name is Mother Clelia Merloni. Instead of following in her father's footsteps, she followed her heart that ended up helping the poor. She used her inheritance to minister to the needy. Mother Clelia founded Apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She started out in America and now has provinces to the global population in Italy, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Benin, Haití, Albania, Brazil, Mozambique, Switzerland, Ireland, Portugal and the Philippines aiding the poor including education.

Getting children into school has always been a problem especially in developing countries. More than half of grade five students can read only at grade two level according to  Annual status of education report (Aser). A humble service, active charity, patience, and the endurance of physical and moral suffering becomes the sacrifice to the Apostle taught in the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus globally including and most importantly the impoverished. The goal of teaching with an open understanding and non-judgemental with love approach may bring those in need to open up to all services available to them globally. Teaching on the preschool, elementary, secondary, and university levels and in programs for the developmentally disabled is offered by this organization to the globally impoverished.

Education has been known to be of the highest importance among nuns. Though they've been criticized for their values in rearing, they've also marched the broiling Australian dessert to ensure education for girls in Australia (Guardian, Kenny, M.). Ireland's first female president, Mary Robinson, was taught by the Sacred Heart nuns in Dublin. Novelist and philanthropist Josephine Hart said the St. Louis nuns opened her eyes to literature and poetry.

If we all gave ten percent back world poverty would be wiped out. Mother Clelia lived to serve the poor, the oppressed, and the unfortunate concluding Galea's opposition to poor stereotypes (Galea et al, 2007) being our failures, given the resources they thrive better than our wealthy. The mind is the strongest influence to change.


Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our Charism. (n.d.). Retrieved May 01, 2017, from http://www.ascjus.org/Our_Charism

PRONECHEN, J. (2015, January 30). Religious Sisters’ Continuing Impact on Catholic Education. Retrieved May 01, 2017, from http://m.ncregister.com/daily-news/religious-sisters-continuing-impact-on-catholic-education#.WQec7YjyvIV

Strauss, V. (2013, October 28). Five stereotypes about poor families and education. Retrieved May 01, 2017, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2013/10/28/five-stereotypes-about-poor-families-and-education/?utm_term=.cbeb42793070

White, H. (2013, September 26). Educating the world: how to get pupils in developing countries to learn | Howard White. Retrieved May 01, 2017, from https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/poverty-matters/2013/sep/26/educating-world-children-developing-countries


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