Bound Little Girls Without Their Parents #scared #children #madeline #french #lorijeanfinnila #singersongwriter

I was able to get the lyrics lined up to what actually happened to me when I was taken at 17 taken by an abusive boyfriend at the time to an abortion clinic and bound without my parents along with many other little girls. One of my favorite French fairy tale books was "Madeline" given to me by my French grandmother. The smallest character in the book was Madeline. I was always so small because I almost died from convulsions when I was a toddler - I had a hard time eating and digesting food and wasn't growing after that for a long time.

I was in shock after I was drugged that day and had my baby taken from my body after its necked was cracked because I was too far along and thrown into a trash can when I was walked into a room with all these other little girls lined up perfectly exactly tucked into sleeping beds; I almost died from bleeding to death but one of the girls spooked at the counselor that was letting me bleed out so I got stuffed with a towel when the counselor had to second guess her action.

Illustration Courtesy Ludwig Bemelmans ( It looked French to me where my grandmother would make me walk straight and tall into our Catholic Church on Sundays dressed perfectly with white gloves down the main isle when I stayed over).

Ten Little Girls


there were ten little girls


bound like in a jail


Let me tell you my story

I'm the catholic girl

that didn't go away


There were ten little girls

that would never reveal

how they really feel


Let me tell you my story

I'm the catholic girl

that didn't go away


There were ten little girls

lost in fairy tales

they were bound to be

sleeping beauties


Let me tell you my story

I'm the catholic girl

that didn't go away


There were ten little girls

lined up in a row

tucked in beds

like my favorite fairy tale

There were sleeping little beauties

Ten little girls

ten little girls


Ten little girls.......




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