Five Characteristics for Characters for the Movie "The Virtuous Woman" #richinwar #song #lorijeanfinnila #52FilmsByWomen

In “The Virtuous Woman,” that connects this story to the song “Rich in War,” I'm naming five characteristics of three characters that start the movie that I'm adding to that I wrote: The dad, the mom, and the grandmother – on the father's side.

They make the setup for the beginning of movie with trouble, later in strength, and ending in resolution for the main character of a young woman who had to leave home at 14 in the 50's named Celia. The bright eyed strawberry blond with light eyes was so eager to life but with many questions unanswered before she ventured the cruel world, sometimes making mistakes when she ventured out on her own but learning from them.

"Rich in War" video produced by Lori Jean Finnila. (The wars of woman.)

Dad: troubled because he was confused, flimsy in his decisions though he didn't see this, determined, insubstantial,

Mom: feeble, delicate, frail, fracturable shivery,

Grandmother: crisp, durable, unbreakable, consistent, able



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