"The Magical Feeling" #newsong #lorijeanfinnila #singersongwriter


Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay


I get up with my body burning

with hardly any energy

comb my hair take a shower

try to eat after I puke

my skin is dry and pale

but still see the dark eyes

am I beautiful anymore

I reach for my favorite words with

inspiration that brings me life


I can’t believe I can still feel this magic feeling

of words that come so magically to me

I feel life outside of myself that is mine

I know I’m on the right path 

to who I am


I feel the cracked bones in my back

I’m an outcast

life hasn’t turned out like I planned

as the sand cascades like magic rushes of water

equal to the power of the sea

movement I have no control over

starfish move for me



I can’t believe the tire hasn’t killed me

I fight to keep the food down on a daily basis

though I know it will come back up

I start to hear the words….


I will continue to walk towards my words

they bring my body to  life and its existence

of its being and acceptance


This magic feeling



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